Checklist for my EPQ


1. Make a mood board for each decade. DONE 17.3.21

2. Research and compile a short biography of a style icon from each era.DONE 27.5.21

3. Look at further contexts within the history of fashion such as;

4. how gender influences fashion and its history such as trousers becoming popular for women in the 1940s due to them taking on more masculine jobs whilst the men were at war, also heels becoming popular for men in the 70s after they wore them first back in the 1800s; DONE 8.7.21

5. race and its influence on fashion over time, such as less representation for POC models until now;DONE 8.8.21

6. Fashion and religion through time, such as designers taking influence from cultures as well as cultural appropriation. Also creating fashion that is more accommodating to people of certain religions;DONE

7. and how women's body types go in and out of fashion such as curvy figures being popular in the 40s thanks to Marilyn Monroe and then a skinnier, more androgynous frame coming in to fashion in the 90s.DONE 29.7.21

8. Skill Self Assessment, where I am and what can I do, and where i want to go. DONE 8.9.21

9.Create a plan for each look I will style for each decade. AIM TO START THIS AFTER END OF TERM.  DONE 14.1.22

10. Acquire items needed and start making the one item I am creating from scratch for each look. DONE 19.1.22

11. Film and edit video showcasing my looks for my final project. DONE 28.2.22


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